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Keynote Speaker

Alice Detollenaere

  • Attitude & Change
  • Gender Equality
  • Society & future
  • Wellbeing & Health

Alice Detollenaere is a French model and speaker committed to raising awareness about inclusion in the workplace and workplace health. Her professionalism and optimistic tone, while staying grounded, make her a highly appreciated speaker.

She is the godmother of Ruban Rose, an ambassador for Gustave Roussy, and an author.

Alice had her first photoshoots in her hometown of Dijon. Confident in the future, she embarked on a journey to South America using her savings, pursuing her dream of becoming a model. She quickly climbed the ranks to establish an international career. Miss Bourgogne 2010, she never disowned her native land, although she has always had a career in France (coming close to the title of Miss France) and internationally as a model and actress (particularly in Hong Kong and New York).

Alice Detollenaere and her battle with cancer

In January 2020, Alice Detollenaere revealed on her Instagram account that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Her battle against cancer transformed Alice. She fought, becoming the godmother of Ruban Rose and an ambassador for Gustave Roussy, the leading cancer center in Europe. She also wrote “Healed by Your Love,” a book detailing her fight against the illness through the lens of her relationship with her partner Camille Lacourt.

Inclusion and well-being in the workplace, an important topic for Alice Detollenaere

Today, Alice addresses key topics related to the corporate world, particularly focusing on the experiences of women in the workplace:

  • How to navigate illness while working?
    • Alice actively engages in raising awareness about cancer among her audience, emphasizing the importance of disease prevention and the successful reintegration of patients into the workplace.
  • How to manage self-image, especially when feeling diminished?

Her inspiring personal testimony and determination to advance awareness make her an important voice in the fight against cancer. As a speaker, she helps alleviate concerns by maintaining a tone that is optimistic and supportive.

Alice Detollenaere’s expertise and commitment contribute to promoting a more inclusive and compassionate work environment, empowering individuals to overcome challenges and thrive in their professional lives.

Sujets populaires: How to navigate illness while working? | How to manage self-image, especially when feeling diminished?


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